Tracey Wikare

To say Ange changed my life is an understatement. I have tried it all; calorie counting, Jenny Craig, excessive exercise, no carbs, limited food …. The list goes on. Ange is different! What sets her apart is the “education”. She taught me how to nourish and fuel my body to get the results I desired. In the last few months I have had the following results – losing stubborn weight (I have never in my life stepped on the scales and seen these numbers before) – Training harder, smarter and not longer than I did previously – I have more energy than I remember – I am no longer lethargic and struggling through the day – Kicking my chocolate addiction in the butt! I was previous eating at least 1-2 bars per day every day! More importantly she educated me so I could maintain my current weight while living in the real world. I now don’t feel like I have to eat chocolate every day, I don’t feel like I want to go to Burger king and upsize my combo. My whole mindset has been changed. I am a young Maori woman with a Tokelauan partner and I am more than aware of the way my whanau eats. A number of my friends and whanau are currently following Ange’s programme and I am ecstatic that Ange will empower them to live fuller, healthier, longer lives.